Oppdateringer fra juni, 2020 Vis/skjul kommentartråder | Tastatursnarveier

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 1:00 pm - June 15, 2020 Permalenke | Svar  

    New journal paper: Analysis and Design of Computational News Angles 

    A new paper is out on representing and analysing news angles formally: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9127417 . It is a collaboration between the University of Bergen and the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK.

    Abstract: A key skill for a journalist is the ability to assess the newsworthiness of an event or situation. To this purpose journalists often rely on news angles, conceptual criteria that are used both i) to assess whether something is newsworthy and also ii) to shape the structure of the resulting news item. As journalism becomes increasingly computer-supported, and more and more sources of potentially newsworthy data become available in real time, it makes sense to try and equip journalistic software tools with operational versions of news angles, so that, when searching this vast data space, these tools can both identify effectively the events most relevant to the target audience, and also link them to appropriate news angles. In this paper we analyse the notion of news angle and, in particular, we i) introduce a formal framework and data schema for representing news angles and related concepts and ii) carry out a preliminary analysis and characterization of a number of commonly used news angles, both in terms of our formal model and also in terms of the computational reasoning capabilities that are needed to apply them effectively to real-world scenarios. This study provides a stepping stone towards our ultimate goal of realizing a solution capable of exploiting a library of news angles to identify potentially newsworthy events in a large journalistic data space.

    Motta, E., Daga, E., Opdahl, A. L., & Tessem, B. (2020). Analysis and Design of Computational News Angles. IEEE Access, 8, 120613-120626.

  • Andreas Lothe Opdahl 12:48 pm - June 1, 2020 Permalenke | Svar  

    New journal paper: Ontologies for finding journalistic angles 

    A new paper is out in the Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) journal: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10270-020-00801-w . It extends our EMMSAD’2019 paper.

    Abstract: Journalism relies more and more on information and communication technology (ICT). ICT-based journalistic knowledge platforms continuously harvest potentially news-relevant information from the Internet and make it useful for journalists. Because information about the same event is available from different sources and formats vary widely, knowledge graphs are emerging as a preferred technology for integrating, enriching, and preparing information for journalistic use. The paper explores how journalistic knowledge graphs can be augmented with support for news angles, which can help journalists to detect newsworthy events and make them interesting for the intended audience. We argue that finding newsworthy angles on news-related information is an important example of a topical problem in information science: that of detecting interesting events and situations in big data sets and presenting those events and situations in interesting ways.

    Opdahl, A. L., & Tessem, B. (2020). Ontologies for finding journalistic angles. Software and Systems Modeling, 1-17.

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